Ohio Book Store: A Bookworm’s Dream!

Laura Williams

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Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

It’s hard to find a better location to spend an afternoon than Ohio Book Store, an independent bookstore located in the center of Downtown Cincinnati that has five floors worth of volumes to browse through.

For quite some time, the store has been a mainstay in the neighborhood. This family-owned and operated business has been in operation since 1940 and has been in its current location since 1961, providing dependable service to Cincinnatians for nearly seven decades.

Today, it offers over 300,000 different books and magazines to browse through, making it one of the most amazing collections of any bookshop in Cincinnati and the entire state of Ohio.

James Hardwick initially created the store in 1940, but it was purchased by the current owner, James Fallon, in 1971 and has been in his family since.

In the years since Fallon has been in charge of the bookshop, and if you happen to stop by, you’ll most likely find him at the front desk, ready to answer any questions you might have about the business or about any specific books you’re looking for in particular.

Aside from bookbinding and restoration services for ancient books, the company also offers customized bookbinding services for any book style.

Taking a Walk Through the Ohio Book Store

When you enter the store, the first thing you’ll notice is the unmistakable smell of ancient books that fills the air. This is a lovely fragrance for those who enjoy reading. The presence of not just hundreds but thousands of volumes just waiting to be discovered is signaled by this symbol.

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An extensive variety of books about Cincinnati may be found near the front of the store, including histories of the city’s breweries, neighborhoods, historical events, and economic development. This collection of novels alone may easily keep you occupied for an hour and a half or more.

You’ll see signs along the walls throughout the store indicating which genres of books are housed within each section. Following signs along the walls showing which genres of books are contained within each section, you will make your way through the store.

A set of stairs will be visible to your left as you approach the back corner, which will take you up to the second, third, and fourth floors of the business.

Each of these floors is also crowded with rows and rows of books and other items. There are parts devoted solely to geography, travel, history, music, sports, poetry, science fiction, romance, comedy, and any other genre imaginable and sections devoted entirely to each subject.

As well as periodicals and comic books, they have a large selection, including some that are several decades old and are unlikely to be found anywhere else.

One of the most interesting collections that the Ohio Book Store possesses is a collection of practically every issue of National Geographic magazine dating back to 1915.

This is a very interesting collection to browse since you can see how magazines were produced in the early 1900s and how they have changed over the years, all the way up to the present day, in this collection.

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However, when taking up the earlier versions, take particular care and attention because the books are so old and delicate that the pages can easily break away from the spine.

Ohio Book Store – A worth visiting place!

A visit to the Ohio Book Store will never disappoint you, whether you’re looking for a certain book or a specific genre you’d want to investigate, or you’re simply interested in strolling through an amazing bookshop that has an immense amount of books to appreciate.

In Downtown Cincinnati, you can pay a visit to the Ohio Book Store, located at 726 Main St., Cincinnati, OH 45202, during the following hours:

Monday: 9 AM. to 4:45 p.m.

Tuesday: 9 AM. to 4:45 p.m.

Wednesday: 9 AM. to 4:45 p.m.

Thursday: 9 AM. to 4:45 p.m.

Friday: 9 AM. to 4:30 p.m.

Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Sunday is a closed day.

You can also find out more about the store on their website, including their contact information and a list of currently available sale items.

More independent Bookstores you can find in our Top 10 Bookstore Guide

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